Leaving Certificate Applied Programme
Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Mathematical Applications Programme intends to build on the knowledge, attitudes and a broad range of transferable skills that stem from a learner’s early childhood education, through primary school and the junior cycle curriculum. The programme is intended to prepare students for life and work. The course seeks to consolidate and improve students’ mathematical knowledge, skills and concepts
through practical, analytical and problem-solving applications.
Teachers are encouraged to create an environment that encourages mathematical participation and enthusiasm for the subject, through incorporating numeracy rich context into their lessons.
Below is where Numero® and the Mathematical Applications Programme link
Numero® is a resource that develops a number of the Key Skills that are embedded within the learning outcomes of LCA Mathematical Applications Programme. These include
- Critical and creative thinking: Through Numero® students will continue to develop skills of higher-order reasoning and problem solving.
- Communicating: Numero® promotes and effectively enhances students communication skills. Through use of this resource students are required to express and share their opinions and reasoning, listen attentively and engage in dialogue.
- Working with others: Numero® can be used to help students collaborate and work with others. Depending on the dynamic and ability of students, students can be encouraged to work as part of a team. Albeit, playing each other one on one, Numero® also develops social skills that are needed to engage with others. Students must learn to negotiate, take turns and communicate effectively.
- Being personally effective: This skill is linked to the personal growth of students, becoming more self-aware and thus using this to develop personal goals. Numero® allows students to demonstrate and understand that there is always more than one way to solve a problem. It encourages students to build upon prior knowledge and build confidence in their own abilities.
Numero® is a fantastic resource for the LCA Mathematical Application Programme as it provides teachers with opportunities to get students engaged with the subject in a fun and meaningful manner. It can be differentiated to allow all students of different abilities to achieve success.
Numero® can further be linked to Mathematical Applications within the following Learning Outcomes:
MCS.2. reason mathematically about problems so that they can:
a. perform calculations on positive and negative numbers involving addition,
subtraction,multiplication, division, square roots (positive numbers only), and positive
whole number
b. use the order of arithmetic operations, including the use of brackets