Transition Year Programme

The Transition Year Programme (TY) is designed around the development and learning of students moving from Junior Cycle into Senior Cycle. TY offers time, space and autonomy to create enjoyable and meaningful educational experiences that support students in the senior cycle. Numero® can be incorporated into TY to create an enjoyable, engaging educational experience that ensures that students continue to use and build upon their numeracy knowledge gained through Junior Cycle.

Numero® is an excellent resource to ensure that the key skills from Junior Cycle are being transferred into the Key Competencies in Senior Cycle, namely:

Thinking and Solving Problems: It provides students the opportunity to use logic and reasoning to make well-thought-out decisions and decide what to do next

Communicating: Gives the students the opportunity to develop their communication skills in a relaxed setting while also developing their social skills while working within groups. 


A schools' TY programme should create space and opportunities for meaningful, enjoyable learning experiences through which the key competencies of the student can be developed in the classroom and school. 

Numero® also provides the opportunity for Transition Year students to take more responsibility within the school environment and aids to the building of a number of the four Student Dimensions, the key foundations upon which the TY programmes are designed. These include:

Being a Learner: Numero® provides students with the opportunity to continue to develop their Numeracy skills while being an Active Learner. Numero®  ensures students build on their previous experiences and knowledge, while developing as Senior Cycle students, embracing opportunities and strategies for learning that work best for the student

Personal Growth: Students should be encouraged to teach Numero® to the Junior Cycle Students, organise a Numero® Competition during the year and run a Numero® club throughout the year. Engaging in these activities will develop Leadership and Communication skills within Transition Year Students.

Civic and Community Engagements: Encouraging Transition Year Students to develop a Numero® club and organise Numero® Competitions will ensure that they are making a positive difference within the school community. These events will create a whole school positive attitude towards Numeracy. Transition Year Students should be given the opportunity to give back to the Community in which they live. Links could be built with local nursing homes, hospitals and residential care facilities so that Transition Year Students could teach the ageing generation Numero® and keep their minds active.
